6 Chick Minimum for Mail Orders (Mix and match with other breeds)
In 2021, My Black Ayam Cemani's started hatching a white chick now and then. After some research it appears that if both parent have the recessive white gene, that there is a 1 in 10 chance that they can have a Cemani with all the normal characteristics except they have white feathers. These are called Ayam Putih. I isolated my Rooster with each hen individually for several weeks until I identified which Hen had the recessive gene. In 2022, I had 2 Putih Roosters and 8 Hens. I then bred these and confirmed they did breed true. This breeding is still in the early stages, but I am offering a limited amount of chicks. They lay medium sized cream colored eggs, just like their Ayam Cemani parents.
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